Top Billings Insights

Why Use Top Billings?

There are many reasons to use Top Billings

Businesses employ us for the multiple skills and expertise we have in our field.

Provide knowledge, experience, planning of your communications future 

Strategic planning helps with near-term decision-making with long-term vision. Even as things change, a strategic plan keeps the end goal in mind and prevents costly mistakes on solutions that won’t meet future needs. 

Our agents bring a broad range of experience and are there not only there to identify problems, but to propose solutions, implement them and manage them thereafter. 

Assist overburdened internal departments 

Most organizations today run lean. Outsourcing to Top Billings, prevents the workload of an already lean department     being stretched, avoids the possible expensive outcome of a department, not qualified in telecommunications, trying to implement accurate solutions and thereafter maintain the database. 

Help you gain control over costs

Multiple vendors, contract types and technical aspects of the industry, make it very difficult to track costs and understand what expenses need to be managed. 

Our technical Agents save not only money and time, but also manage all credit/ reimbursements for over-billing from vendors. 

Align business processes and technology across departments 

When viewed as a strategic asset, communications technology helps an organization perform     better by integrating the technology with business processes. 

Information gets exchanged accurately. Departments avoid duplication of effort or decision-    making without all the information. Business’s communications run more efficiently with dedicated attention. 

Present your needs concisely to multiple vendors

Competitive bidding yields better pricing and that’s a fact. Knowing what to ask for and analyzing bid responses requires knowledge of the vendors, technology, available solutions, and the processes. 

Vendors know when they’re dealing with someone uninformed and often try take advantage by proposing unnecessary services or equipment (over-selling).

Assist in vendor selection

As the industry has consolidated, old players have disappeared, new ones have come on the scene, understanding the long-term viability of a vendor and the customer service organization that you are buying into, are critical to the substantial long-term investment you will be making.

Provide expertise to map and guide your project direction

There are many possible areas for things to slip through the cracks in a large system installation. Our skills enable us to anticipate and accurately plan for the occasional crisis and create a work-around to ensure business continuity. 

Facilitate relocation, expansion, or merger

When the organization moves, grows or merges, unique problems arise. Our agents know what to plan for and how to coordinate the changes, so the result is seamless and disruption to the end-user is minimized. 

Manage complex projects

Installation projects involve multiple vendors, electricians, contractors, Telco's, cable vendors, equipment vendors and, of course, the     internal business aspects of coordination for customer requirements. 

Agents provide support for promoting a project to executives as well as working with departments to understand their needs and design solutions to meet them, then help implement the solutions to maximize their benefit. 

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